YouTube Programs
Go to and type campbellcolibrary in the search bar to see all of our YouTube programs, both past and present. You can visit the page here: Campbell County Public Library – YouTube
Go to and type campbellcolibrary in the search bar to see all of our YouTube programs, both past and present. You can visit the page here: Campbell County Public Library – YouTube
Register for these programs to be put on a list to pick up a Take & Make bag with all supplies and instructions needed. The bags must be picked up at the designated branch by the date and time listed and are available starting a week before. Please register on the wait list if you are having trouble getting registered. We will do our best to make accommodations.
Programs are a mix of Zoom/Take & Make and in-person. Registration is required. When registering online, you will have the option to designate whether you will participate via Zoom, Take & Make or in-person. Programs will move to Zoom/Take & Make only if the county is in the red zone for COVID-19.
Registration is required for these online programs. Registrants will receive an email with the login information on the day of the program. These are live events only offered at the time and date listed. You are not required to have a Zoom account to join.
Everyone age 6 or older is required to wear masks. Those attending in-person programs must maintain a 6-foot social distance from others. All in-person programs will be canceled if the county is in the red zone for COVID-19.