Reopening Update

Please see for new information on branches opening to the public on Monday, June 15.

Reopening Update

Since the library closed in mid-March, our focus has been to continue to serve our community with new services such as online programs, a help line that allows you to call or text a library staff member directly and increasing our digital collection of eMaterials at a higher rate than ever before. We hope you have enjoyed the ability to connect with us in new ways online.

We recently introduced another new service, the ability for you to place holds and get library items through curbside pickup at all of our branches. It has been great to see your smiling faces again and to get books, DVDs, magazines, video games and other library materials back in the hands of our community.

We have not yet determined when we will be ready to reopen our buildings to the public. Governor Andy Beshear recently announced libraries can reopen as early as June 8, but we are waiting to hear the specific guidelines that we will need to meet in order to do so. Meanwhile, we have purchased hand sanitizer stands; we are installing plexiglass sneeze guards; we will continue to quarantine materials and sanitize our buildings; and we have developed many new safety protocols for staff.

While we are anxious to see you enjoying all that we have to offer within our buildings again, we know how important it is to proceed with caution for both your health and safety, as well as our own staff’s protection. We do know that things will be a little different than normal when we are able to open our doors back up to you. Services and hours will be limited, and there will be new procedures in place to adhere to the Healthy at Work guidelines.

We would like to thank all of you for continuing to be patient as we learn more about these new guidelines. We do not have a reopening date set just yet, but please know that we are working hard to make sure we are ready for when we are able. In the meantime, please continue to utilize our curbside pickup service and what we offer online. We look forward to seeing you again soon!

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