Our Favorite Adventure Movies

Adventure begins at the library (and the silver screen). Add these staff-suggested adventure movies to your watchlist.

Our Favorite Adventure Movies

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

“All of the Indiana Jones movies are fantastic adventure movies, but for The Last Crusade, it has almost everything an adventure movie needs. Harrison Ford is the best actor in any adventure movie, and Sean Connery is just as good. The Last Crusade also has several libraries in it, with Indiana Jones saying ’70 percent of Archeology is done in the library. Books, reading.’ When I think of adventure, I think of Indiana Jones.”

– Chay Rust, patron services supervisor

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Romeo + Juliet

“If you are looking for a classic-romance-turned-adventure fever dream, then the 1996 version with Leonardo DiCaprio is the way to go. If your English teacher popped this bad boy in at the end of a semester, you knew it was going to be a good day.”

– Cody Elliott, adult/teen services programmer

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The Blair Witch Project

“It’s an adventure, all right, that obviously does not end well (spoiler alert). But I love the scary stuff!”

– Julie Pergrem, patron services assistant

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The Green Knight

“Listen, I know there’s a lot of takes about this movie—and I can get why. Still, I was mesmerized by The Green Knight when I first saw it. For one, it’s beautiful to look at. While not a faithful adaptation, director David Lowery’s take on the classic Arthurian epic is unabashedly weird. Dev Patel was excellent in the starring role.”

– Mackenzie Manley, public relations coordinator 

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Princess Mononoke

“A harrowing tale of a young man who becomes cursed by a demon while protecting his village. In his journey to find a cure for himself and discern why a demon attacked his village, he learns of the greater struggle between humanity’s expanding greed and the balance of the natural world. The rest of the adventure culminates in serene vistas and various struggles against people, giant animals and demons. All this was held high by an incredible soundtrack by Joe Hisaishi. It’s a wonderful movie that is great in the native Japanese, or the dubbed English.”

– Max Sulken, patron services assistant

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“I have loved the 1991 movie Hook with Robin Williams since I was a kid. I love the costumes and set designs and the food fight scene was always my favorite part.”

– Molly Walker, children services programmer

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“I grew up watching all things fantasy, and this is one of my all-time favorite movies! Puppet work by Jim Henson, David Bowie as the Goblin King, and again, amazing music—what more could you want? On a fun side note, the child actor who plays Toby grew up and apprenticed in the Muppet Workshop, and can also walk on stilts and juggle fire! Not too shabby for a kid who was kidnapped by the Goblin King.” 

– Monica Beckerich, assistant patron services supervisor

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