Zoom Program: Teen Writing Group

Thursday, October 15, 2020
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Are you a teen that enjoys writing or maybe you have just started writing then this is the place for you. Whether it is fantasy, action, romance, poetry, even nonfiction during this Zoom chat you are given a few minutes to read an excerpt from something that you wrote. Afterward, we can discuss what we liked, give feedback, hype each other up, and maybe even overcome your writer’s block.


This is a live program that will be conducted via Zoom, a free online video conferencing

platform. Registration is required. On the day of the program, we will email you with a link to join the live program. You are not required to have a Zoom account. If you would like to create a free account though, you may do so at https://zoom.us/signup.

If you have any questions, please contact Cody at celliott@cc-pl.org.


Age Range:   11-19

Newport Branch

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