Zoom Program: Homeschool Book Bingo
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Bingo is for Books!
Join us virtually to play bingo and earn chances to win books.
You can pick up your bingo board and set at the Cold Spring Branch of the Campbell Country Public Library starting on December 2nd-December 9th.
You will be able to pick up the book prizes anytime after the event if you participated.
This is a live program that will be conducted via Zoom, a free online video conferencing platform. Registration is required. On the day of the program, we will email you with a link to join the live program. You are not required to have a Zoom account. If you would like to create a free account though, you may do so at https://zoom.us/signup.
If you have any questions, please contact Brittany at bparr@cc-pl.org.
Age Range: Families
Cold Spring Branch
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Registrations are closed for this event.