Cold Spring Stargazers Club: Haile Planetarium Visit

Thursday, March 6, 2025
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Haile Planetarium is one of the hidden gems of Northern Kentucky University. Haile Planetarium is an educational facility focused on inspiring appreciation and awareness of the universe in NKU students, faculty, and staff from all over campus, regional P-12 students, and the wider community. Astronomy is our starting point; from there we spread into the wider universe of the sciences and reach into literature, art, music, and beyond.

Join us for the Stargazers Club at the Haile Planetarium on the NKU campus as we are given a show on the upcoming April Eclipse and the night sky.  Spots are limited so please register now, and more details will be shared closer to the event via email.


Please note any accommodation requests in the Special Needs section of the registration form. If you have any accommodation requests or questions please contact Clara at or

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Age Range:   All Ages

Cold Spring Branch

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