Backyard Wilderness Exhibit at the Newport Branch
Monday, April 1, 2019
All Day
Thanks to HHMI | Tangled Bank Studios, the Newport Branch is hosting an exhibit that encourages families to engage with nature through investigation and observation during the entire month of April.
The Backyard Wilderness exhibit show us the wonders of nature before we even wander into our backyards and encourages us to make connections with nature that don’t require a WiFi connection. The exhibit was created in conjunction with the Imax film, Backyard Wilderness, which is currently showing in theaters across the country.
Family activity guides will be provided to allow you to begin investigating in your own backyard.
You may also download the app, Seek by iNaturalist, to discover what species of plants, birds, insects, mammals, etc., are growing or living near you.
Or, to truly be WiFi free, ask a librarian to help you locate one of our many identification guides to check out and take with you into your own backyard wilderness adventure!
Meeting Room: Newport - Open Floor Main Level
Newport Branch