A Novel Idea at the Tower Park Armory
Thursday, May 9, 2019
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
A Novel Idea is a book club for teens featuring young adult literature of various genres. Read the book, gather your thoughts/opinions/comments, and join in the discussion on this month’s book!
A Novel Idea is held at the Armory in Tower Park.
Jason Zhou survives in a divided society where the elite use their wealth to buy longer lives. The rich wear special suits that protect them from the pollution and viruses that plague the city, while those without suffer illness and early deaths. Frustrated by his city’s corruption and still grieving the loss of his mother, who died as a result of it, Zhou is determined to change things, no matter the cost.
Age Range: 12-18
Snacks Provided: Yes
Carrico/Fort Thomas Branch