Drop Your Drawers Breaks Record

Our annual Drop Your Drawers campaign raised a record-breaking 15,169 pairs of new socks and underwear for local public schools!
The initiative, which aimed to help keep Family Resource Centers’ emergency supplies of socks and underwear stocked, more than doubled its initial goal of 7,000 items.
Due to the outpouring of support, we were able to send a little over 2,000 pairs of socks and underwear to those affected by the devastating tornadoes in western Kentucky, with plenty of supplies remaining to be split among public schools in Campbell County.
“Thanks to our community’s incredible generosity, we were able to help not only our schools, but our neighbors in Western Kentucky,” said Library Director JC Morgan. “We couldn’t be happier to serve Campbell County by helping provide this often overlooked need.”
Since its launch in 2015 at CCPL, Drop Your Drawers has been modeled by other library systems across the country. Dozens of socks and underwear are handed out each month to children for various reasons, including accidents at school, illness, homeless or other circumstances. Keeping centers’ supplies stocked allows them to redirect funding to provide other valuable resources.
Large donors include Newport Central Catholic High School, which collected nearly 3,000 pairs as part of a school-wide service project; the Kiwanis of Campbell County; the Campbell Leadership Action Group; Miramar Services, Inc.; Heritage Bank; the Mary Ingles Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution; and the Claryville Problem Solvers.
The campaign ran from Nov. 1 through Dec. 31 and will return this fall. For more information, visit www.cc-pl.org/drop-your-drawers.
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