Six @ Six starts with look at “The Good Life”

What is “the good life” and does everyone have an equal chance to share in it?

Dr. Rachael Clark, an instructor in the Northern Kentucky University Department of Psychological Science, looks at residents in an impoverished community to examine hope
and the meaning of life.

Rachael will share her vision for and experiences with including every social class in her studies to improve the quality of life for all human beings.

She will discuss her team’s findings in “Project Hope & the Study of the Good Life” as the Six @ Six community lecture series begins its 2016 schedule at 6pm Wednesday, Feb. 3, at Carrico/Fort Thomas.

The Six @ Six Community Lecture Series is sponsored by Northern Kentucky University’s Scripps-Howard Center for Civic Engagement. Cost for each event is $6. Call 859-572-7847 or visit to buy tickets. Tickets are available at the door if the event isn’t sold out.

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Let’s meet Carrico librarian Mike Fair

Carrico/Fort Thomas Public Services Librarian Mike Fair isn’t good at relaxing. That’s great because he has a newborn daughter, a band and a lot of wonderful work to do for the Campbell County Public Library.

Mike is from St. Louis originally, but he’s called Northern Kentucky home since he was 6-years-old. He graduated from Ludlow High School in 1997, and went to work for the Kenton County Library. He earned his Bachelor’s in English from NKU in 2002 while continuing to work for KCPL. In 2012, he decided it was time to pursue his Master’s and found work with us as a Part Time Programmer. After securing his Master’s of Science in Library Science from University of Kentucky, he was hired as a Public Services Librarian in 2014.

His title, he says, is intentionally vague. The reach of his work goes beyond the doors of the Carrico Branch. In addition to programming events for Fort Thomas teens, Mike also works the Reference Desk, selects music and video games for the entire system and is the primary One-on-One Technology Training coordinator for the branch.

Picking his favorite part of the job would be like picking your favorite child, Mike says. As a teen programmer, Mike has enjoyed learning new skills such as origami, tie dye, chess and sewing.  As a music and games selector, Mike has enjoyed curating a collection of new music and in-demand classic artists. And in his work as a One-on-One Technology Training coordinator he’s seen the results of people’s desire to learn new things.

In his free time, Mike plays guitar in The Night Divided. He’s been playing with them for more than three years. They enjoy playing live about once a month.

Mike is a long-time vegetarian who practices yoga. Although his practice has been a bit disrupted by the birth of his daughter, Pamela Sue Fair on December 10, 2015. Mike and his wife, Michelle, live in Bellevue where Michelle is a preschool teacher at Grandview Elementary.

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Carrico kids make holiday movie

This fall, our Film Club began work on a movie to show at the Carrico/Fort Thomas Holiday Open House.

Members chose a script, developed storyboards, designed sets and props and acted in the final film.

Click below to see the finished film, “Twas the Night Before The Night Before Christmas.

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DIY this Rudolph ornament

This is a fun and easy craft.  There is very little mess as this project needs no paint, and very little glue!

To create a one-of-a-kind Rudolph ornament, you will need the following materials:

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  • Clear glass or plastic ball ornament
  • Shredded brown paper
  • Red pom
  • Wiggle eyes
  • Brown pipe cleaner
  • Yarn or string
  • Glue
  • Dow rod for stuffing (optional)

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Fill ornament with shredded brown paper, or try another color for a personalized effect.






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Glue wiggle eyes and pom to the ornament. Exercise caution in this step as ornaments tend to break easily.






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When working with younger crafters, make sure they don’t press down too hard on the eyes or nose.






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Make antlers out of pipe cleaner. Cut a 12-inch pipe cleaner into one 6 inch piece and two 3 inch pieces.






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Use the 6-inch piece as the “base” of the antlers and use the shorter segments to make the horns.






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Make a hanger by tying a loop of yarn or string to the top of the ornament.







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Oh, deer. You made a very cute ornament!

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DIY this Halloween game for $8

Our resourceful and creative children’s librarians love a great bargain game. You can make the Witch Pitch yourself by following this easy DIY.


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Follow Campbell County Public Library Kentucky’s board Crafty on Pinterest.

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