Grant funds traveling money exhibition

Thanks to a grant, the Campbell County Public Library will host a new traveling exhibition, Thinking Money in December of 2017. Read more
The Newport Branch serves the Newport, Bellevue, and Dayton areas of Campbell County with a collection of over 73,000 items. The building was constructed in 2004. It replaced the oldest public library building in Campbell County (which opened in 1902). About 150,000 patrons visit the branch each year.
Thanks to a grant, the Campbell County Public Library will host a new traveling exhibition, Thinking Money in December of 2017. Read more
By Stephanie Class, Reference Assistant at our Newport Branch
Kentucky’s rich writing history shows us that the Commonwealth is much more than bluegrass, bourbon, and basketball. Kentucky celebrates its talented writers each year on Kentucky Writers’ Day, which takes place on Monday, April 25, 2016. Read more
Right now, we have 45,000 a/v items available for our patrons to check out. That’s a lot of DVDs, CDs and games! Read more
Our resident haiku writer and mom-about-town Amanda Ciani left some library love on our Twitter page after attending Play Art last week. Read more
Some fresh, fine art is hanging in each of our branches. Read more
You might notice a fresh face next time you visit the Newport Branch. Amy Bruce has just joined our team as Adult/Teen Programmer.
Amy comes to Northern Kentucky from Martinsville, Indiana where’s she’s been working for nearby Monroe County Public Library for four years.
Amy had her eye on moving to this area for two years. She says she was attracted to the library systems and the unique geography of the area, “you can have country but be 10-15 minutes away from a huge city and all the amenities. So you get the best of both worlds.”
Amy holds a Bachelor’s in American History, with a minor in Medieval Studies from Indiana University. She can fence, but poorly. She is currently pursuing her Master’s of Library Science at IUPUI.
Amy is excited to plan programs for the Newport Branch’s teens, tweens and adults. She will shadow Adult/Teen Librarian Valerie Davis through March.
Amy plans to marry her long-time beau, Josh, this coming fall.
Welcome, Amy!
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Play Art is your 3 to 5-year-old’s chance to get messy and creative. Each Wednesday at 4 our programmer, Miss Amy, walks your child through a creative craft that’s guaranteed to make them smile. Siblings are welcome to attend! Read more
Next time you visit any of our three branches with little ones, be sure to stop by our new dramatic play centers.
Thanks to a generous gift from the Friends of the Campbell County Public Library, all three branches are home to dramatic play centers.
Dramatic play encourages kids to work together, assign roles and imagine unfamiliar situations.
The nature of the play will change frequently and rotate through our branches.
More Kids News
On Friday, February 19 we will be showing “Versa Effect,” a movie created with the deaf in mind. The film is acted completely in ASL for deaf families to enjoy seamlessly.
On Dec. 10, the Kentucky Supreme Court let stand the decision of the Kentucky Court of Appeals. Read more