Xavier helps CCPL kids create Minecraft masterpieces

Last month, we had a packed house for Cold Spring’s Minecraft Club. The already popular program was bolstered by the news that librarians from Xavier University would be bringing technology that would allow the kids to create an item to be 3D printed in Xavier’s new Makerspace inside the McDonald Library. Read more

Carrico patron sends thanks for Beatles tribute

Thank you note from Barbara Martin.

Thank you note from Barbara Martin.

A Carrico patron sent us a lovely thank you note after attending our first Arts & Culture event of the season.

Barbara Martin was one of 260 music fans who enjoyed a free concert from Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra’s Beatles tribute, The Fab Five, on Friday, March 4.

Barbara wrote, “Tonight I shared a wonderfully enjoyable Beatles program at the Fort Thomas Branch with a room full of people of all ages. I attend many library events and this was the best one since Johnny Cash’s son performed at the Newport Branch.”

Thank you for your lovely note, Barbara.

There are two more chances to enjoy Arts & Culture Series events at our Carrico Branch.

April 1, 7 p.m. at Carrico/Fort Thomas
Sentimental Journey with Falcon Theatre & The Queen City Sisters
Enjoy a 1940s radio show as Falcon Takes Flight, a division of Falcon Theatre, transports you to the Golden Age of Radio in a fond tribute to the sounds of the Greatest Generation.

April 29, 7 p.m. at Carrico/Fort Thomas
KSO Presents The Covington Devou-Doo Daddies
The Swing Revival of the 1990s fused old jazz and swing with modern rock, a sound the Kentucky Symphony Orchestra recreates with its newest 10-piece show band: The Covington Devou-Doo Daddies.

More Adult Program News

Guest Blog: Historical dance troupe delights teen

Syd Fillhardt

Syd Fillhardt

By Syd Fillhardt, Campbell County High School Student

I attended a Macy’s Artwave program on February 27th with my mom. This program was put on by the Forget-Me-Not Historical Dance Company. I didn’t even know there was such a group!

I’m not a huge fan of dance, but I do appreciate the art of dance and all the hard work that goes into it. My mom pointed out this program was going to showcase historical dances performed at President William Howard Taft’s Inaugural Ball in 1909. Being a history lover, with an interest in U.S. Presidents, I thought this would be an interesting program to attend.

I have visited the Taft boyhood home in Cincinnati a few times and liked how the program related our 27th president. I was right. The dancers, decked out in period costumes, performed four dances that were used at President Taft’s Inauguration celebration.

I had no idea that period dances were something that could be researched, studied and performed. I was tired just watching them dance!

It was very interesting to see how the public danced in 1909, compared to today. I’m glad I attended this program, as it gave me a broader perspective of ArtsWave and the different variations of art that they support.

I’ve been a library supported for sixteen years and appreciate the knowledge that I’ve gained just by visiting the Campbell County Public Library. I look forward to what’s next at the library!

Syd is the daughter of CCPL Board Secretary Christie Fillhardt. 

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Guest Blog: Puppy Tales makes reading fun for reluctant reader

By Christie Fillhardt, Secretary, Campbell County Public Library Board of Trustees

Wilma & Buddy after Puppy Tales

Wilma & Buddy after Puppy Tales

My son, Buddy Fillhardt, absolutely loves visiting with Wilma, the rescue dog when she takes her appearances at the Carrico/Fort Thomas Branch for the program Puppy Tales.

One thing my son doesn’t like to do as much is to read, but he will read several books during his time with Wilma, as Wilma loves to be read to! A beautiful Saturday afternoon and my son’s main agenda is to go to the library and participate in the Puppy Tales program.

Wilma ‘s owner, Linda Miller, and Joyce Emery, Children’s Programmer at Carrico/Fort Thomas Branch, really go out of their way to make this program a success. We have so much fun with it.

My son likes the program so much, he even uses the library’s app to register himself for the next session or for other programs he is interested in attending. He is getting a great overview of how useful the app can be, while learning more about technology.   

Upcoming Puppy Tales

Puppy Tales
Saturday, March 19, 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Carrico/Ft. Thomas Branch

Saturday, April 16, 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Carrico/Ft. Thomas Branch
Saturday, April 16, 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Newport Branch


Magic promised at Harry Potter Book Night

Molly-and-AshleyMark your calendars and be on the lookout for an owl because on February 4, 2016 the Cold Spring Branch of the Campbell County Public Library will celebrate Harry Potter Book Night.

This exciting event gives new and existing fans a chance to share the wonder of J.K. Rowling’s unforgettable stories and, most excitingly, to introduce the next generation of readers to the unparalleled magic of Harry Potter.

This is Cold Spring Children’s Librarian Ashley Wright’s favorite program of the year. As longtime fans of both the books and the films, Ashley and programmer Molly Seta have been planning this afternoon for months.

The young witches and wizards who register to attend can expect an afternoon of magic. If you register your child before Saturday, they will receive a letter from Madame Ashley (Ravenclaw) & Madame Molly (Hufflepuff) inviting them to Diagon Alley.

Once they arrive at Diagon Alley, there will be a wand ceremony, personal quills, owl painting and copies of “The Daily Prophet!”

This program is for kids 6-12. Register online.

For older Potter fans, Adult/Teen Programmer D Pina will be hosting a Harry Potter Roleplay event at 6:30 p.m. These wizards (ages 11-19) will be playing a role playing game in which they play as a wizard in the wizarding world.

More Kids News

Harry Potter Board on Pinterest

Follow Campbell County Public Library Kentucky’s board Harry Potter on Pinterest.

Let’s meet Carrico librarian Mike Fair

Carrico/Fort Thomas Public Services Librarian Mike Fair isn’t good at relaxing. That’s great because he has a newborn daughter, a band and a lot of wonderful work to do for the Campbell County Public Library.

Mike is from St. Louis originally, but he’s called Northern Kentucky home since he was 6-years-old. He graduated from Ludlow High School in 1997, and went to work for the Kenton County Library. He earned his Bachelor’s in English from NKU in 2002 while continuing to work for KCPL. In 2012, he decided it was time to pursue his Master’s and found work with us as a Part Time Programmer. After securing his Master’s of Science in Library Science from University of Kentucky, he was hired as a Public Services Librarian in 2014.

His title, he says, is intentionally vague. The reach of his work goes beyond the doors of the Carrico Branch. In addition to programming events for Fort Thomas teens, Mike also works the Reference Desk, selects music and video games for the entire system and is the primary One-on-One Technology Training coordinator for the branch.

Picking his favorite part of the job would be like picking your favorite child, Mike says. As a teen programmer, Mike has enjoyed learning new skills such as origami, tie dye, chess and sewing.  As a music and games selector, Mike has enjoyed curating a collection of new music and in-demand classic artists. And in his work as a One-on-One Technology Training coordinator he’s seen the results of people’s desire to learn new things.

In his free time, Mike plays guitar in The Night Divided. He’s been playing with them for more than three years. They enjoy playing live about once a month.

Mike is a long-time vegetarian who practices yoga. Although his practice has been a bit disrupted by the birth of his daughter, Pamela Sue Fair on December 10, 2015. Mike and his wife, Michelle, live in Bellevue where Michelle is a preschool teacher at Grandview Elementary.

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