Newport welcomes new Adult/Teen Programmer

You might notice a fresh face next time you visit the Newport Branch. Amy Bruce has just joined our team as Adult/Teen Programmer.

Amy comes to Northern Kentucky from Martinsville, Indiana where’s she’s been working for nearby Monroe County Public Library for four years.

Amy had her eye on moving to this area for two years. She says she was attracted to the library systems and the unique geography of the area, “you can have country but be 10-15 minutes away from a huge city and all the amenities. So you get the best of both worlds.”

Amy holds a Bachelor’s in American History, with a minor in Medieval Studies from Indiana University. She can fence, but poorly. She is currently pursuing her Master’s of Library Science at IUPUI.

Amy is excited to plan programs for the Newport Branch’s teens, tweens and adults. She will shadow Adult/Teen Librarian Valerie Davis through March.

Amy plans to marry her long-time beau, Josh, this coming fall.

Welcome, Amy!

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Six @ Six starts with look at “The Good Life”

What is “the good life” and does everyone have an equal chance to share in it?

Dr. Rachael Clark, an instructor in the Northern Kentucky University Department of Psychological Science, looks at residents in an impoverished community to examine hope
and the meaning of life.

Rachael will share her vision for and experiences with including every social class in her studies to improve the quality of life for all human beings.

She will discuss her team’s findings in “Project Hope & the Study of the Good Life” as the Six @ Six community lecture series begins its 2016 schedule at 6pm Wednesday, Feb. 3, at Carrico/Fort Thomas.

The Six @ Six Community Lecture Series is sponsored by Northern Kentucky University’s Scripps-Howard Center for Civic Engagement. Cost for each event is $6. Call 859-572-7847 or visit to buy tickets. Tickets are available at the door if the event isn’t sold out.

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Let’s meet Carrico librarian Mike Fair

Carrico/Fort Thomas Public Services Librarian Mike Fair isn’t good at relaxing. That’s great because he has a newborn daughter, a band and a lot of wonderful work to do for the Campbell County Public Library.

Mike is from St. Louis originally, but he’s called Northern Kentucky home since he was 6-years-old. He graduated from Ludlow High School in 1997, and went to work for the Kenton County Library. He earned his Bachelor’s in English from NKU in 2002 while continuing to work for KCPL. In 2012, he decided it was time to pursue his Master’s and found work with us as a Part Time Programmer. After securing his Master’s of Science in Library Science from University of Kentucky, he was hired as a Public Services Librarian in 2014.

His title, he says, is intentionally vague. The reach of his work goes beyond the doors of the Carrico Branch. In addition to programming events for Fort Thomas teens, Mike also works the Reference Desk, selects music and video games for the entire system and is the primary One-on-One Technology Training coordinator for the branch.

Picking his favorite part of the job would be like picking your favorite child, Mike says. As a teen programmer, Mike has enjoyed learning new skills such as origami, tie dye, chess and sewing.  As a music and games selector, Mike has enjoyed curating a collection of new music and in-demand classic artists. And in his work as a One-on-One Technology Training coordinator he’s seen the results of people’s desire to learn new things.

In his free time, Mike plays guitar in The Night Divided. He’s been playing with them for more than three years. They enjoy playing live about once a month.

Mike is a long-time vegetarian who practices yoga. Although his practice has been a bit disrupted by the birth of his daughter, Pamela Sue Fair on December 10, 2015. Mike and his wife, Michelle, live in Bellevue where Michelle is a preschool teacher at Grandview Elementary.

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Carrico kids make holiday movie

This fall, our Film Club began work on a movie to show at the Carrico/Fort Thomas Holiday Open House.

Members chose a script, developed storyboards, designed sets and props and acted in the final film.

Click below to see the finished film, “Twas the Night Before The Night Before Christmas.

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Welcome, Anne Fertitta

There’s a new boss in town at the Cold Spring Branch’s Circulation Desk.

Former Carrico/Fort Thomas Reference Assistant Anne Fertitta has joined the Cold Spring team as Circulation Supervisor following the recent retirement of Pat Wade.

Anne has been with CCPL for 3.5 years and previously worked as a school librarian in New Jersey and as a genetic science medical technician.

Anne is excited to get to know the Cold Spring staff and patrons.

More Cold Spring Branch News

    Let’s Meet Library Courier Marsha N.

    The books and films aren’t the only interesting things in the Campbell County Public Library. Our people are truly our best resource. With that in mind, we’d like to introduce you to Marsha Nelson.

    Marsha is a mother, flautist and blacksmith who delivers library materials and mail between our branches Monday through Friday. Marsha says her love of the library began at a very young age, “when my mother worked in Newport, I would sometimes go visit when I had a day off school. I’d hop on the bus and visit her at her office. We were only a block away from the Newport Public Library. We’d go down and visit the Newport Public Library, which was the biggest treat in the world.”

    Marsha started with the Library in 2007 as a page at our Newport Branch. When the Library’s courier Bob Small retired in 2010, Marsha jumped at the chance, “it just looked like fun! Bob got to come in, carrying crates, and saying ‘hi’ to everyone.” Marsha has been hauling crates and spreading sunshine ever since.


    One of Marsha’s ironworking pieces. (Click to enlarge)

    When she’s not working at the Library, you can find Marsha crafting traditional iron hinges, gates and latches for the Ohio-based Workshops of David T. Smith. Marsha says her passion for this uncommon trade began with a book, “I was senior in high school. I read “Trinity” by Leon Uris and that book very accurately describes the work of an Irish blacksmith and it just intrigued me. At the same time, blacksmithing was going through a renaissance in this country.”


    (Click to enlarge)

    Marsha trained in horseshoeing and modern welding, but all she every really wanted to do was forge. She earned an apprenticeship at the Farmer’s Museum in Cooperstown, Ohio worked there for a year. That cemented her desire to do only traditional ironwork.

    Marsha and her husband, local musician Kyle Meadows, live in Campbell County. Their son, Doug, is majoring in Business at Berea College.

    Marsha says her favorite thing about working in the Library is the people, “Everyone is so nice. I can’t emphasize that enough. People are helpful, people work as a team.”

    More Library Love


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