Book Bus
Stop by the library’s Book Bus and receive a free book!
Free Books
Visit the Book Bus and take home a free book! With the goal of getting free books in the hands of Campbell County children, patrons can find the Book Bus parked at the library’s branches, community events and more throughout the year.
The Book Bus stocks free books for visitors of all ages from infants to adults. All Book Bus visitors are allowed one free book per visit.
Additional Services
While visiting the Books Bus, you can also sign up for library cards, return library items you have checked out, and ask staff members questions about library programs and services.
Upcoming Visits
The Book Bus visits a variety of community events and spaces in Campbell County throughout the year. It also occasionally stops by large library programs.
View the Book Bus schedule below.
Play, Explore, Build at Chief Sayers Park
Day of the Book/El Día de los Libros
Request the Book Bus
Do you want the Book Bus to visit your event? Fill out the form below!
Please be aware that filling out this form does not guarantee the Book Bus will be able to participate in your event. Events will be scheduled at the discretion of the library based on availability and staffing.
- The event must be in Campbell County, Ky.
- There must be level ground to park the Book Bus.
- There must be room in the parking area for people to board the vehicle safely.
- The event must be a public event open to all.
- We request at least two weeks’ notice for Book Bus scheduling.
- The Book Bus is not available to schedule during the months of January and February.