Staff Recommendations: Books We Think Should Be Adapted into Movies

Ever read a book and wanted to see it on the silver screen? Us too. Here are picks of books our staff wish could be adapted into a movie.
Books Our Staff Wish Could Be Adapted into a Movie

Graceling by Kristin Cashore
The story takes place in a fictional medieval world where some people are born with special powers called Graces. I love that the main character is a strong, unconventional woman determined to make the realm a better place for everyone, especially the Graced. There were rumblings of a film adaptation around 2013, however it never came to fruition.
– Molly Walker, children’s services librarian

A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray
The period costumes and the visuals from the other realms would be perfect for the screen.
– Amy Carroll, programming and community engagement manager

Killers of a Certain Age by Deanna Raybourn
This book follows four best friends who are retiring from their 40-year career of being assassins. The women are granted a retirement cruise from their organization, and are shocked to find themselves the targets of some of their younger coworkers! This book is so funny and action-packed, and the friend group is so relatable that you’re sure to recognize your own friends in each of them. I think this book would make a great movie with a star-studded cast of women, like the movie 80 for Brady.
– Danielle Heiert, adult/teen services programmer

The Letters of Enchantment duology (Divine Rivals & Ruthless Rows by Rebecca Ross)
These books are so magical and breathtakingly beautiful. Each one has so many moments that are so striking, you can’t help but visualize them as if they were happening on a movie screen in front of you. There is a particular scene in Ruthless Vows (that I can’t elaborate on because of spoilers but it’s That One Cafe Scene) that I desperately need to be cinema-tized because there’s so much body language, facial expression, and non-verbal communication happening and seeing it played out by actual people would be absolutely heartbreaking.
– Stephanie Daugherty, technical services specialist

Dave Robicheaux series by James Lee Burke
Although there have been two from this series adapted into movies (that I know of) I would love to see James Lee Burke’s Dave Robicheaux series adapted, in order, with proper casting. I love this series with its fatally flawed characters. Dave and Clete are the best…sometimes when they are at their worst. Purple Cane Road is my favorite.
– Toni Reinke, patron services assistant

Patsy Walker, a.k.a Hellcat! by Kate Leth
One of my personal favorite comic book series is Patsy Walker, a.k.a. Hellcat! due to its lighthearted action-comedy aesthetic and beautiful stylized artwork, the majority of which was done by Brittney L. Williams and could be perfectly adapted into a vibrant, energetic animated film. The series is a great example of a modern superhero comic that’s relatively self-contained and feels like a Saturday morning cartoon; it’s full of colorful, expressive characters and hilarious writing, which makes it a very comfy-cozy read that’s easy to pick up and enjoy.
– Tanner Reed, patron services assistant
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