Cam’s Kids Book Club — “Thomas Jefferson and the Mammoth Hunt: The True Story of the Quest for America’s Biggest Bones” by Carrie Clickard
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Welcome to Cam’s Kids Book Club:
- Register for this program to get your own copy of the book to keep.
- Starting July 27th, pick up your book from the library.
- Read and enjoy the book at your own pace.
- Come chat about this month’s book and other books you love at the Alexandria Branch on August 24th at 4:30 pm.
This month’s book is Thomas Jefferson and the Mammoth Hunt: The True Story of the Quest for America’s Biggest Bones by Carrie Clickard.
The French feel threatened by America’s new freedom and confidence, as embodied by Count Buffon who claims that the “New World was a chilly, swampy place, filled with puny, scrawny creatures, every species, breed, and race.” Thomas Jefferson won’t stand his young country being insulted, so he sets out to prove Count Buffon wrong. He sends people across the country in search of an animal or animal bones to prove that creatures in the United States are big and strong and worthy.
Please register all children. Only one adult per family group.
If Campbell County is RED on the Kentucky Department for Public Health’s COVID-19 Dashboard, everyone, age 6 or older, who attends library programs are required to wear masks.
Please note any accommodation requests in the Special Needs section of the registration form.
All state and federal COVID-19 mandates will be followed.
If you have any questions, please contact Molly at
Age Range: Grades 1-5
Alexandria Branch
Register for this event
- Only register your child(ren).
- Caretakers do not need to register to attend.
Registrations are closed for this event.