NKY Forum: Zoom- Covington and the Brent Spence Bridge: A Discussion with Mayor Joe Meyer
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
8:45 am - 9:45 am
Recently, the Covington City Commission released a statement critiquing the current bridge replacement plan, which would have a dramatic impact on the city. Mayor Meyer will discuss the statement in detail, outlining the city’s concerns and its hopes for a bridge plan that compliments the city and its development.
Note: Attendees will receive a voucher for a free cup of coffee at Roebling Point Coffee and Books in Covington…and a coupon for 19.63% off on a book. 1963 was the year the bridge opened.
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Northern Kentucky Forum
The Forum’s purpose is to foster civil, civic dialogue on topics of community interest. The Forum is a partnership between Campbell County Public Library, The Scripps Howard Center, Boone County Public Library and Kenton County Public Library. For more information about upcoming NKY Forum events visit www.nkyforum.org
Newport Branch